It disappeared after emptied, but reappeared a few hours later with even more cool things! I wonder if this is some sort of daily bonus for my hard work? Upon arriving at work today, I saw a treasure chest that had some neat loot inside.

People turned up and needed a place to stay, so I built some dwellings too. I started out simple – building a few farms, woodcutters, and stone quarries to get my finances flowing.

Holy smoke I’m running a town now!!! It’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, but I think I can handle it. I took to my diary to document my experience… After you’ve levelled up a little though, things get a little ridiculous. Actions take a few short seconds and everything costs only a fistful of gold, food, or stone. The game starts out alright, opting you to get your town up and running. Unfortunately, my time with Goodgame Empire hasn’t swayed my decision one bit. I’ve since moved on with my life, deciding that such titles were not worth my time because in the end, building something for example, takes far too much grinding or time. Simpsons Tapped Out for example, kept me distracted me through countless study sessions and exam periods back when I was in varsity. I’ve had my fair share of experience with titles in this genre. On paper it sounds alright, but the free-to-play nature really ruins the game in the end. You can construct buildings, produce resources, research improvements, and even set out to destroy, or ally with those around you. Goodgame Empire is a free-to-play (and pay-to-win), browser-based title all about establishing a perfect kingdom. All of the above is possible in Goodgame Empire – provided you have lots of time to spare… or a particularly fat credit card.

Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be a king/queen of a bustling kingdom? Have you thought about keeping your townsfolk happy, or imagined the admin of dealing with daily riots? Perhaps you’ve pondered conquering your neighbours and beyond, plundering the land and cementing your name as one that should be directly associated with fear.